Fighting Unfair in Business (Transcript)

The main thing is that business is never a fair fight. So the incumbents start out with an advantage and the default is they will maintain their advantage. And so the startup has to decide it wants to fight unfair. And so how does a startup fight unfair? It has to harness a different set of powers than are obvious to most people, right? So for example, better doesn’t matter when you’re a startup. Because better is an extension of the present. Better is when you think the future will resemble the present, but only be slightly different. The way startups win is by being radically different. So like when when Lyft launched ride sharing and then Uber closely followed right with Uber X, nobody after riding a ride share said, oh, how’s that different from taxis? Right? It was just self -evident how different it was. And so like that’s what we mean by forcing a choice and not a comparison.